ECW gets Punk'd
Listen, RVD "dug his own grave" or "made his own bed" or something like that. The guy's been busting his ass in the ring, and been very entertaining since Mania, but this arrest can't be ignored, and he was punished. Let's hope after a month (my guess at his pretty much necessary suspension) he's back on ECW TV and the new WWE brand hasn't faltered too much due to his and Sabu's arrest/stupidity.
That being said, they did a pretty good job getting the belt(s) off of him, and I'm FINE with Big Show: New ECW Champion. ECW had NO full-fledged heels, and with the hardcore ECW fans are de facto booing all of the "WWE-bred" wrestlers on the show, the best thing they could have done was to figure out a way to add a top "bad guy" to the brand. With Heyman (who really wants to cheer him anyway?) the REASON for RVD's loss, and the awesome visual of Philly fans pelting Paul E. and Show with garbage to close tonight's show, I'm actually fine with the way they took the belt off of Van Dam. (Could they have put the belt on Sandman or a newcomer? I guess...)
Now let's talk a bit about the future. Test is a great heel to add to the list of Big Show and Mike Knox -- all three non-ECW originals, and all three of which play their roles very, very well. We finally get to see if Fertig (the vampire) has improved in the ring next week; Al Snow made an in-ring appearance; and -- oh yeah -- we got the beginning of what very well can end up being the push of a certain former ROH Champ's career...

Photo Credit:, Mary-Kate Grosso if there was ever a better time to be straightedge.
That being said, they did a pretty good job getting the belt(s) off of him, and I'm FINE with Big Show: New ECW Champion. ECW had NO full-fledged heels, and with the hardcore ECW fans are de facto booing all of the "WWE-bred" wrestlers on the show, the best thing they could have done was to figure out a way to add a top "bad guy" to the brand. With Heyman (who really wants to cheer him anyway?) the REASON for RVD's loss, and the awesome visual of Philly fans pelting Paul E. and Show with garbage to close tonight's show, I'm actually fine with the way they took the belt off of Van Dam. (Could they have put the belt on Sandman or a newcomer? I guess...)
Now let's talk a bit about the future. Test is a great heel to add to the list of Big Show and Mike Knox -- all three non-ECW originals, and all three of which play their roles very, very well. We finally get to see if Fertig (the vampire) has improved in the ring next week; Al Snow made an in-ring appearance; and -- oh yeah -- we got the beginning of what very well can end up being the push of a certain former ROH Champ's career...

Photo Credit:, Mary-Kate Grosso if there was ever a better time to be straightedge.
You usually have me when I read your posts. I tend to agree with what you write, and will give you the benefit of the doubt on certain issues that lie in a grey zone for me.
But dude. You're essentially saying that Big Show, Knox, and Test are welcome additions to the ECW roster.
Big Show is 500 pounds of pure, unfiltered shit in a black singlet. If he wasn't big or didn't jump ship before WCW went under (the only one to really survive staying in WCW 'till the end is Booker T), then he'd be nowhere. The only time he was effective was when he was in the nWo and would hit a chokeslam during a beatdown. Anytime he wrestled a match, he stunk up the place. I like Joey Styles, but he can lick my hairy beanbag for trying to get him over like JR did.
Mike Knox has shown me nothing. However, he's the best of the three because I've never seen him before so I should probably give him the benefit of the doubt. His match with Guido was garbage, however - and the whole angle he's in is crap, though the writers are more to blame for that than he is. I guess I'll chalk his "debut" match up to first-time jitters and hope that he can prove me wrong in the ring - because I doubt he'll be able to prove me wrong on the mic.
Finally, there's Test. Another guy that gets a "spot" simply because he's tall. He can't wrestle and he can't work the mic at all. Like I said before, the circumstances surrounding his termination were really sad, but there was absolutely no reason to sign him back on.
How am I supposed to believe that ECW is focused on wrestling when they have TBS and Test on the roster? They're almost halfway through their Sci-Fi run. Can you believe it?
P.S. - I suggest turning comment moderation off or approving the comments quicker. It's frustrating to sometimes wait 3 days before my post is "approved." And c'mon - how many people are posting? Nothing against this blog, and I'd like to personally thank you for running it - but have you guys ever not approved a post? I would think that if you haven't gotten a deluge of flames by now, you're not going to any time soon. There have been a number of times when I considered just stopping posting because of the time it takes to get my post upped. There may be other readers that have already gone this route. Turn it off for a week just to see what happens - I don't think it's going to turn into Gomorrah in here :)
I disagree re: Big Show -- he was VERY good in his feud with Brock and Angle back in 2002 (or was it 2003?).
And I'm not saying these three are great... I'm giving Knox and Test the benefit of the doubt; and saying this: ECW HAS THREE FULL-FLEDGED HEELS now (not including Paul E.). That's GOOD.
No one cares about Justin Credible vs. Balls Mahoney, but pure ECW fans HATE Big Show now.
That's all...
My last post disappeared, so let's see if I can remember what I was rambling about this time.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on TBS. I've never, ever enjoyed anything he did outside of chokeslamming random dudes during his nWo run. If you like his character, hey man - more power to you. Somebody must be buying that TBS merchandise ;) But in my mind, TBS is on the same level as X-Pac and Cena - I don't hate watching them because they're heels (okay, Cena's not a heel, but bear with me), I hate watching them because their characters/movesets/whatever are incredibly boring to me. Ever since I was a kid, I simply cheered who I liked, not who WWF/WCW told me to cheer. This actually led to me getting into a playground fight in grade school because I was a "Rowdy" Roddy Piper mark. Like I said, I don't dislike TBS because he's a heel - I dislike him because he's TBS. Chances are this is why "pure ECW fans HATE Big Show now."
And please rethink your "no one cares about Justin Credible vs Balls Mahoney" view. Can we agree that the reason why nobody cares is because "creative" didn't let us (insofar as not defining any clear face/heels)?
The only reason you think Brock and Big Show has a good feud is because the ring collapsed and you're a mark for that kind of stuff :-)
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