Monday, June 26, 2006

Wrestlers not Test!!!

I'd rather see Roadkill in an Amish Butter-Churning competition than see Test in ECW. I mean, seriously, what's he going to give to the product that they don't already have?

I can only imagine the Test-Big Show storyline arc, which results in multiple broken noses for the former Motley Crue Bodyguard and one-time love interest of Stephanie McMahon.

In all honesty, if you're more of a punchline than X-Pac, then you just don't belong in ECW.

We want wrestlers, NOT Test!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Test does suck, but c'mon - a bigger joke than X-Pac? That's just mean, dude.

And Roadkill in a butter-churning contest would totally rock because you know somebody would end up getting splashed off of a barn (post-raising) through a table.

I can't see anything good coming from bringing Test back. The roster is crowded enough as it is. And yeah, it sucks that they fired him after he got injured - but that doesn't change the fact that he can't wrestle.

12:29 AM  

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