Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How come I am rooting for Cena against ECW?

Perhaps it's because Cena's been the most exciting part of the ECW shows thus far (he slapped Heyman and got Sabu to speak!), or maybe it's because everyone in the IWC and beyond is trying to force down my throat the idea that John Cena should be booed out of every arena. Let me say this: he was a better champion than I ever could have imagined, and he has demonstrated to me the ability to play the heal when necessary (i.e. at Hammerstein) without losing credibility as a babyface.

Either way, John Cena has proved alot to me over this past year, especially with his ability to keep the crowds engaged in a battle of cheers vs. jeers every time he comes out.

I just happen to be one of the people who cheers a little bit more than I used to.

Until next time, I remain The Wrestling Mark ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh. Actually, the current trend in the IWC is to begin praising Cena, for the exact same points that you've echoed in your post - points that are currently making the rounds on various sites by various authors. You're not alone in your thinking, and it's this thought thats currently making the rounds in the IWC and making the writers that call the ECW fanbase "lemmings" into the exact same thing. It's in the same vein as everyone loving Rey, Kennedy, Orton and Hardy and now writing about how much they suck. It's just like how the IWC crapped all over JBL, yet now they're starting to sing his praises. It's the whole conforming to nonconformity bit, and it makes me sick with the IWC.
I don't like Cena because he got shoved down my throat, I hate his character (yeah, he was looking real "gangsta" in his "rap" video standing in front of the giant-ass house he grew up in in Massachusetts), and he's booked to make every other wrestler on the roster look weak for absolutely no good reason whatsoever. Plus, his face looks like Frankenstein's Monster's.

The "Mean Street Posse" had more street cred than Cena. PG-13 are hardcore compared to the guy. His primary audience is young suburban kids who listen to gangsta rap - you know, the kids that say they're in a "gang."

At the end of the day, Cena is a "punk-ass white boy with no flava" that got pushed down our throats out of nothing more than sheer desperation by Vince McMahon to replace some of the aging, crippled wrestlers on his roster.

Sure, he can't wrestle, but I don't think that "wrestling" is even required to get into a WWE ring nowadays - so I don't fault him for that (I blame Vince for letting that happen, and the older wrestlers on the roster not wanting to get shown up in the first place for letting it start).

Cena's a douche, and even if they radically altered his character, chances are I'd still hate him because of his unexplained monster push. At least Goldberg, Lesnar and Batista looked the part of someone that would get the monster push.

I just don't watch when he's on TV. I don't want to take the time to boo the man, I just simply don't want to see him at all.

I despise New Jack, but I would've loved to see him face Cena at ONS instead of RVD.

3:38 PM  
Blogger cb said...

Pretty interesting points. I agree with you that wrestling seems to be on the backburner with WWE these days, but the more fascinating part is this: ECW claims to have better "wrestlers", yet their World Champion has a total of seven moves that he's used over the past five years.

Cena is definitely not a good thug, I agree there. And I love the Mean Street Posse callout!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, of course RVD only has 7 moves - he's been shackled by WWE for those past 5 years.

I was hoping that ECW would actually come through on their promise of wrestling. However, in the past two weeks (including the last ONS), they've just shown me that Vince&Co. won't let that happen. Unless they give ECW dedicated writers and allow Heyman complete creative control over the ECW wrestlers, we're not going to see any "wrestling" in that ring - and what are the chances of that actually happening?

The worst recent development in the whole ECW ordeal is that now they're talking about giving ECW dedicated venues (good!) but having them tape two shows a week (bad!).

I've said it before and I'll say it again - they need a 2-hour show. Otherwise it becomes more and more like TNA, and we're only going to see certain wrestlers get TV time once every other week.

Think of it this way - they've got the stupid Sandman bit (which is most likely going to lead to a feud when he canes a "vampire"), Big Show/Dreamer, and the whole Kelly storyline coming up. If they don't want the fickle public (myself included) to forget about these storylines, they're going to have to include 1 bit/match a week devoted to them. That leaves time on the card for like 1 or 2 matches (depending on how hard they hype Raw/Smackdown/upcoming PPVs during commercials). And I'm sick of 6-man tag matches/battle royals being used to get workers their TV time.

3:26 PM  

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