Monday, July 03, 2006

Breaking news: PWInsider reports RVD and Sabu arrested on drug charges

So much for what I said about RVD and Sabu gaining momentum.

Dave Scherer over at reported that RVD and Sabu were arrested in Ohio for drug possession.

The full story is here:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is bad. Like really, really bad. Every fan knew that RVD was a marijuana "enthusiast" (c'mon, the guy did an interview for High Times a few years back), but I think we all expected him to be a bit more careful - especially now that WWE has actually given him the ball. This is going to really hurt ECW2. WWE has no choice but to punish these guys or be made to look like complete hypocrates in regards to their "wellness program." This means RVD is going to drop both belts - but he'll probably be back after going through some sort of lame rehab program (I can see Bob Saget yelling at RVD now - "pot's not an addiction! Did you ever suck dick for pot?!"). The thing is, I have a feeling that this was his only chance to get that belt, and for his reign to end like this, I doubt he'll ever see gold again.

Sabu, on the other hand, will probably get fired for good. Which is sad because of how much the guy has given to pro wrestling, I found his WWE employment as the guy finally being able to collect a regular paycheck.

However, you reap what you sow. I have no problem (though I don't smoke it) with somebody smoking pot - if it's in their own room away from prying eyes. However, the second you smoke in a car, you're potentially putting other people at risk. I had hoped that RVD was one of those "sensible potheads."

And c'mon. These two guys had a LOT to lose - RVD finally reaching a top spot in the company and breaking the glass ceiling, and Sabu finally having a steady job. Sadly, all that just went "up in smoke."

8:31 PM  
Blogger cb said...

You really hit the nail on the head with everything you said ... These guys should have known better, ESPECIALLY given their current spots in the WWE and ECW brands ... Imagine Triple H in the back laughing, telling Vince and Steph, "I told you so", regarding RVD's inability to carry the weight of champion on his shoulders...

7:39 PM  

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